64 E Broadway, Derry NH | 03038 | (603) 432-6140 | Hours

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Putting your Garden to Bed

This program will be hosted on Zoom.


During this presentation attendees will learn the steps necessary to properly prepare their gardens for winter, including:  finishing off annuals and vegetable beds, preparing perennial beds to reduce pests and disease, overwintering non-hardy plants, readying ornamental shrubs and evergreens to survive various winter conditions, and tending to tools and supplies.

 Program presented by the UNH Master Gardener Speakers Bureau


Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85495913461?pwd=SXUyODhEWDEzVU1nRnJLV1kwRlFWQT09 Meeting ID: 854 9591 3461
Passcode: 153182










Room Reservation: 
Wednesday, October 05
Program Time: 
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Derry Public Library
Contact Name: 
Liz Ryan
Contact Phone Number: 
Contact Email: 
The number of spaces you wish to reserve.
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